Vintage Turntable Values

Right Now on eBay 
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What is your vintage turntable worth? Below is a searchable list of values for recent sales of vintage turntables on eBay. The list was compiled in January, 2023 . These are actual SOLD prices and not just listings. For a list of Kenwood, Pioneer, Marantz, Technics, Dual, and Thorens values see the links in the menu above. All others are listed here.

To see an up-to-date list of other vintage turntables recently sold on the eBay site click HERE.

28 thoughts on “Vintage Turntable Values

  1. We were given a Thorens Concert..CD43 turntable from our neighbor who passed away. Can you give us any idea of what this would be worth?

  2. Hello, I have my husbands Layfayette T-2000 turntable, Lafayette Receiver from 30+ years ago can you give me an idea of what the value of these pieces?

    1. Don’t see too many of them. Unfortunately they weren’t a top end brand. I saw one that sold for $110 in late 2014. Maybe worth a little more now.

  3. looking for the Garrard Turntable model #tw504 gt came out of a Grundig Majestic console, vintage 1960, any info would be great Thanks Ken

    1. 03/06/2024: Just paid $220 for a one-owner dual 1249. No cracks or scratches on cover. Shure V15 III cartridge. I think it was a good deal.

  4. I have a Marantz 6300 Direct Drive Servo Control turntable with auto shutoff I would like to sell. Can I sell it on this website? I had it refurbished ten years ago, but have only used it a couple of times. I am not really sure of the value. Thoughts?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

  5. Hi, I’m looking for information on where and how to sell my Pioneer Quartz PL-9 Turntable. Excellent Condition.
    Thanks. Denise

    1. There have been 3 sales in the last 8 months on eBay. One sold for $89 + $26 shipping in May of this year. Another sold for $41 + $28 shipping in May also. The third sold in November for $51 + $37 shipping.

  6. I have a Technics SL-5350 turntable which is quartz direct drive, any idea what it is worth? Someone on EBay is currently posting same model for $600 plus shipping is this a reasonable cost?

    1. Yes, there have been sales from $400-$600 over the last year for SL-5350’s in very good working condition. It will be at the higher end of the range if it also has the 45 RPM stacking spindle. The spindle is very hard to find and works on a number of other Technics turntables as well. The spindle alone will sell for $100-$150.

  7. I’m trying to find out what a Yamaha model yp-801-bl is worth every thing works great on it sounds great.Thanks

    1. Wow, not much info on that turntable. No sales on eBay for over a year. I have no idea what it would be worth. I see some have compared it to the PL-4 but that table was made in 1982 so I don’t think there is much comparison. Your best bet may be to price it a bit high and work your way down over time. Probably not a lot of demand for it since parts would be very difficult to source. Still, some collectors may want it because of its rarity. Good luck!

  8. Hi. I have a Hitachi DPO 2210 BSR mini 4 speed turntable. Can’t find much on internet about it.
    Is there anything you can tell me about it? Like value? It operates fine, has dust cover. Paid 2.50 for it at a thrift store.
    Thanks, Mike.

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