This is the beautiful Bang & Olufsen Beogram 8000. Of course Bang & Olufsen are known for their unique and sleek styling and this turntable definitely fits that bill. The Beogram 8000 was Bang & Olufsen’s top of the line turntable and sold for over $1000.00 when new. It is a direct drive turntable and plays at both 33 and 45 speeds with a push button pitch control that adjusts the speed in small increments. It features a pause control that, when pushed, will lift the tonearm in position and return the tonearm to its rest position and shut down the turntable if left in pause mode for a certain length of time.

The << < and > >> buttons will move the tonearm left or right in order to place it on tracks anywhere on the record. Another nice feature is the Turn button which will turn the platter for cleaning records. As you can also see it has a red direct digital display of the speed. The table incorporates a linear tracking straight tonearm and a high torque direct drive motor for very smooth operation and reaches playing speed very quickly.

Bang & Olufsen turntables are always popular with collectors and vinyl enthusiasts and the Beogram 8000 is at the top of the desirability list. They sell for around $800.00 in very good working condition.
I have a B&O 8000 at the shop, I bought new and babied for these years. Now broken… They want 400 to completely rebuild with all new electronic control panel, tone arm with stylus and minor cosmetic repair. I’d like to sell it for $400 as is or $975 if I pay to refurbish it. How do I list it with you? Or have I just? Gary
Do both of these Beogram 8000s actually work well?
i have a beogram TX. super cool, very similar.