The Technics SL-D2 turntable is very common and is a great table for those just starting to explore the vinyl universe. It is semi-automatic and features both auto-return and auto-stop. It’s also a direct drive table incorporating a brushless DC motor. It came with a universal tubular tonearm with a removable headshell.

The SL-D2 hit the market around 1980 and retailed for about $200. Not bad for a good quality table if you were on a budget. Even today they are very good performers if taken care of. They do tend to have problems with the pitch control or speed but usually just a cleaning of the potentiometer will fix it. The plinth is made of Technics Non Resonant Compound which is a resin material that is noticeably quieter than some of the cheaper plastic plinths Technics used on other tables.

The Sl-D2 is a workhorse of a turntable and, when taken care of, will play reliably for years. It is a little sensitive to vibration so either some aftermarket performance feet or dampening might help. Anything that will isolate it from outside vibration would help.

The Technics SL-D2 is not a high end turntable but it is great for someone on a budget or who is just entering the hobby. A working SL-D2 coupled with a decent cartridge like the Audio-Technica AT95e will make for some great times spinning vinyl.

As I mentioned above, the Technics SL-D2 isn’t rare. But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t good either. If you have some records laying around that you want to play or rip and you don’t want to shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars for a turntable then the SL-D2 is for you. It’s easy to use, easy to set up and can be maintained on a budget. Plus, it sounds good. You can find a REALLY nice SL-D2 for around $200. An average working table will run about $100. Add another $40 or so for a decent cartridge like the AT95e and you’re set to go!
its a fine turntable, excellent if someone doesn’t want to spent a small € fortune , very robust. I recently reactivate it (after at least 10 years being idle) with a STANTON 680EE cartridge. Fine performer of my old Chopin, Beethoven etc piano etudes & suites. Certainly miles ahead of the cheep (in quality but not price) digital transcription units offered nowdays. 30/10/2016
I acquired a Technics SL-D2 recently for $ 50 CAD. After cleaning the pitch pot, it works like a new one. Add to that a cartridge Ortofon Concorde, for the home, it’s perfect!
I’ve had this forever, and it’s great.
I have question, though. I just purchased a newer receiver, which requires a pre amp for this turntable. Do you know if this turntable is a “MC” “Moving Coil” ?
Or a “MM” “Moving Magnet”?
As I guess there are 2 different kinds of pre amps to purchase, depending on which of the 2 this turntable is?
Thank you, Steve Miz
It’s more about the cartridge than the turntable itself. I believe the original stock cartridge is an EPC-270C moving magnet. There could be something else on there by now though. Just figure out what cartridge is on the headshell and look it up online. You should be able to find out if it’s MM or MC. I’m guessing it is MM which should work fine with your pre-amp. Also, some preamps have a switch for MM/MC which is handy.
Do you know where I can buy a belt for the Technics SL-D2 turntable?
Zack Apkarian
Isn’t the SL-D2 a direct drive model? It shouldn’t need a belt.
You are right about that
An SL-D2 is a direct drive . I’ve had mine since 70’s and it died on me in June 2020
Now a SL-B2 is a belt drive I bought from Goodwill last year for my bedroom setup
Hola! he comprado esta bandeja hace poco tiempo, alguien me podría decir de que año es este modelo?
I have had my SL-D2 since the 70’s and use it almost daily. A 40 year trouble-free run for any consumer product is admirable and my unit is still spinning vinyl from the 50’s. I will soon order my fourth cartridge and stylus in 40 years. This turn table has out-lived five cassette decks and four CD players!
As you’re playing LPs from the 50s, I’m hoping you can answer a question for me. I have an SL-D2 and would like a true mono 1 mil stylus. Is there one you would recommend?
Thank you so much!
Hi I have the same turntable and live in South Africa, where could I get a new cartridge from as the sound is terrible
The SL-D series are workhorses. The only real issue is the plastic tabs breaking on the dust cover. One drop of oil on the main motor bearing will keep these spinning forever. Very attractive looking too.
I’m reviving my father’s 1980 Technics SL-D2 and am struggling to find the right receiver – I’m a novice and hoping there is a simple solution for this but I’d appreciate anyone’s guidance on what to look for and a reasonable price point if I’m scouring Craigslist.
Thank you!
where is the best place to purchase a replacement dust cover for my SLD2? Thank you
Probably eBay. Used dust covers come up for sale occasionally. One sold a while back for $60. There is a seller on eBay that makes new dust covers as well but he’s in the Netherlands. You would also need hinges if you’re missing those.
The SL-D2 is a great turntable. However buying a dust cover for it costs just about as much as the turntable itself!
I’ve had my SL-D2 since new, 1980 and now equipped with an Ortofon 2 Blue is the source for my modest vinyl corner. Never serviced and it still looks and plays as brand new, no issues with speed accuracy. Power comes from vintage Pioneer, an SX 550 ,780 and a SA6500 II, speakers Klipsch RP600M. I do use a phone pre amp, an ifi Zen.
Highly recommended to anyone getting into vinyl.
Im looking for a dust cover for my sl d2 turntable.