Thorens TD-160 MK II

Thorens TD-160 MKII

This is the less common dark gray version of the Swiss-made Thorens TD-160 MK II. You’ll find quite a few of the teak version which most people would probably prefer but the gray version does have a neat minimalist industrial look to it.  The TD-160 MK II was a completely manual turntable with a floating sub-chassis and a belt drive. It ran at both 33 1/3 and 45 speeds. It also featured an effective 16 pole synchronous motor.  Introduced in 1976, the TD-160 MK II was the later version of the TD-160 which came out in 1972. The MK II also had the TP16 tonearm but the arm had been redesigned since first being used on the earlier TD-160 and was now called the Isotrack TP16 MkII.

Thorens TD-160 MKII

Later in 1982 Thorens introduced the TD-160 Super which was similar to the MK II but had a few improvements such as a heavier cabinet, more dampening, a heavier bottom plate and better dust cover hinges. You can find a lot of great info on the TD-160 turntables at

Thorens TD-160 MKII

While I wouldn’t say that the Thorens TD-160 MK II is difficult to find they are still very popular so prices  have slowly moved up. TheTD-160 MKII in excellent condition will sell from $500 to $1350. They are a good sounding table and parts can be fairly easily found for them so they are a good choice for entry level vinyl enthusiasts. Many modifications can be done to them as well which can greatly enhance their sound and performance.

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One thought on “Thorens TD-160 MK II

  1. Hi,

    I’m based in London, UK and have a Thorens TD – 160 mark 11 in ‘grey’ (gray). It’s actually more black than gray.
    I was thinking of using it to transcribe some of my vast vinyl collection onto CDs etc Any hints or recommendations? I’m also thinking of buying a Technics SL 1210 Mk 11 to do the conversions which I’ve heard is an excellent desk – I’ve no idea which would eb the better deck to do the vinyl to CD job? Thanks

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