Yamaha YP-800

Yamaha YP-800 Dustcover

The Yamaha YP-800 is a manual, 2-speed, direct-drive turntable with a fitted static balance S type tonearm. It uses a 12 pole brushless DC motor. It really has an interesting look to it with the all metal base top and cream colored platter mat.

Yamaha YP-800 Open

The Yamaha YP-800 truly is a beautiful turntable. Built in the mid 1970’s it has a distinct mid century modern look to it.  It was positioned at just below top-of-the line in their turntable lineup and is pretty hard to find, though they do come up for sale occasionally. It ran about 98,000 Yen back in 1976 or around $500 in the U.S.

Yamaha YP-800 Tonearm

While most turntables have the speed markings for the strobe light etched or painted on the edge of the platter, Yamaha did it a little differently. The markings are located underneath the platter and visible only through what they called the Mirror-Scope, that little window in the top panel near the bottom of the platter.

On the platter sets a notched-ridge turntable mat that provides resistance to negative feedback. It has four rubber sprung shock absorber feet as well, each of which are independently adjustable. The user can ascertain whether the table is level or not with the built in bubble spirit level to the right of the mirror scope.

Yamaha YP-800 Headshell

The YP-800 weighs around 27 pounds including the heavy 4.4 pound platter. The tonearm uses a one piece diecast gyro Gimbal support. Cueing is hydraulically damped and the anti skate is designed for the lowest possible friction. Some have said the tonearm was made by Grace, perhaps the G-840F. Others have said it was made by Micro Seiki so there is no consensus. Maybe a STAX UA? It measures 242mm with an overhang of 15mm.

Yamaha YP-800 Counterweight

The Yamaha YP-800 is a solid performer but its performance is probably outweighed by its styling. They don’t come up for auction very often. The last one I saw sold for $180 but it had some minor issues. A fully serviced unit in nice condition would sell for well over $200 most likely. The YP-701, YP-801 and later YP-D10 are more popular with audiophiles and sell for much more.

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11 thoughts on “Yamaha YP-800

  1. i have a yamaha YP-800 in mint condition. i was wondering if you could tell me about how much its worth.

    1. One just sold on eBay for $230. It was sold by Goodwill and was only powered on and not fully tested. It was in good condition but definitely not mint. I would guess that a truly mint version would fetch substantially more. The value also depends quite a bit upon the headshell and cartridge that are on it. For a stock unit I would guess $350+. If I was going to sell it on eBay I would list it as a Buy It Now for $450 or $499 with a Best Offer option and see what happens.

  2. this machine example is in very nice shape. It looks however, like the fish line for the anti-skate is missing in these pics. Hope you have it. Was a $500 msrp table in the mid 70’s and was the top line TT sold in the States. Have seen pics of a YP-1000 with a Stax branded arm. Seemed to be the only difference.

  3. I bought one of these new. My brother still has it. Beautiful piece of equipment. The quality of materials and construction is incredible. Paired with a vintage Yahama CR 240 Natural Sound receiver…..👍👍

  4. I have a YP-800 in excelant condition. The only thing missing is the anti-skating mechanism cable. Does any one know were to purchase this cable or the dimensions? I think I could fabricate one using fishing line or fine stainless steal wire if I had the measurements.

    1. Years ago I replaced my string with a very fine wire coiled into a spring. It makes the AS variable with location for better performance and looks very cool too.

  5. The YP-800 tonearm is made by Nippon Gakki
    Beautiful Tonearm
    Some body knows the effective tone arm mass ?

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